Student Solution


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2 Subjects

Informal Report Project Presentation

Informal Report Project Presentation

Q ASSIGNMENT Students will adapt their Informational Report Project (incident report and directive) into a filmed extemporaneous presentation—one that has been planned and rehearsed. Students should consider the following elements as they prepare their presentations: • Analyzing the speaking situation: Why might you be asked to share something like this in front of a group? • Organizing and developing the presentation: This should follow closely to the original report, but you may also want to include a speaker bio (a brief statement of who you are in the context of the situation) as well as the explanation of the speaking situation. • Choosing effective language: Is there anything you might need to explain a little more due to the group you are now presenting in front of? • Rehearsing the presentation: Please just practice. You may use physical notes (no electronic devices) to help keep yourself on track with talking points, but reading from a script will earn no more than half-credit. DELIVERY • This presentation contain both the incident report and directive. • Students MUST be within the frame of the video from at least the waist up; selfie-sticks, webcams, etc. are not appropriate. If you must make arrangements for someone to film you using a phone, camera, etc., please do so. • This is a more formal presentation than your shift-change meeting oral report, so you want to present your best, most appropriate self while avoiding slang and other improper language. • Students MUST create a presentation that can be seen in the video (PowerPoint is the easiest option) but should not just stand in front of the camera and read from the slides. Reading from a script or word-for-word from a PowerPoint presentation will earn no more than half-credit. PRESENTATION GUIDELINES o Length Requirement: 3-5 minutes. o Presentations should have 4-6 well-designed informational slides ? A title slide must be included as well, but this does not count toward the 4-6 informational slide requirement. o Visual aid/informational slides must be submitted as a comment to your discussion board post containing your presentation. Failure to do so will result in a letter grade deduction on this presentation. SUBMISSION Once you have filmed yourself, complete the following: ? Upload that file to YouTube (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or some other sharing resource where your classmates and I can watch your presentation. You may also choose to attach your video directly into your response. ? Note: If you'd like to set the video to private, you certainly may! Please be sure, though, to provide us with access information. ? Be sure to include the link in your post (if not attached directly). Please note: I am not worried about video quality here. As long as I can see you and hear what you are saying, the quality is just fine. You may film using your cell phone, camera, etc. This assignment fulfills MLO 9: Construct and deliver an effective speech to inform (CLO 3) The rubric used to grade this oral presentation is posted HERE

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